The funds, properties, assets and all other resources at present and in future, of the Trust shall be utilized for all or any of the purposes or objectives as hereinafter mentioned:
- To conduct, promote, establish all the manifold constructive, social, moral and other activities with which Mahatma Gandhi was associated and establish a castles and classless society, free of all sorts of exploitation which is based upon a decentralized system of political and economic power.
- To promote national unity and international peace and amity.
- To promote communal and social harmony and brotherhood.
- To make allout efforts to remove untouchability and such other social disabilities.
- To work for prohibition and stoppage of other narcotic drugs.
- To promote Khadi and Village Industries in accordance with the definition and ideology of Mahatma Gandhi, Rural and Village Industries, Handicraft and Lokvastra.
- To establish educational institutes keeping in view the teaching of Mahatma Gandhi and out National objectives and ideals.
- To educate in health, hygiene and sanitation, specially in the rural areas and also establish Naturecure institutions and such hospitals.
- To promote National Language – Hindi and all other languages of India.
- To promote the interests, dignity, rights, equality and proper place of womanhood in the society as well as work of the welfare of students and children.
- To promote for social and economic equality.
- Tio promote and encourage the progress of agriculture and animal husbandry.
- To promote the welfare of the farmers, laborers, tribals and others in the same or similar category.
- To assist, associate and provide grants to organizations, Ashrams and/or Trusts of any kind for or connected with any of the aforesaid activities.
- To encourage or provide sanitary facilities and promotion of other measures for the health of the people specially in rural or poverty stricken areas.
- To help for the eradication, prevention and cure of leprosy and help such Institutions and Research Centres as and when deemed necessary and possible.
- To promote and encourage of Nai Talim or Basic Education, training of children and adults for ideal citizenship and of women especially in domestic science and training in handicrafts, cottage industries and other useful crafts and arts especially in rural areas.
- To collect, preserve, publish and propagate Mahatma Gandhi’s writings and teachings and establishment of study centres and libraries for such purposes.
- To maintain Museums for preservation and exhibition of photographs, portraits, paintings, records, films, various relics of veneration, books, articles and other things connected with the life of Mahatma Gandhi.
- To provide the training of students and of men and women for carrying out one or more of the aforesaid activities.
- To render help to any existing institution, institutions or trusts in special circumstances or to any individual or individuals or persons carrying on or undertaking to carry on in the state, more specially in the rural areas, work falling within all or any of the objectives mentioned in the Trust-Deed.
- To become Trustee of similar societies/trusts, to associate and to merge or amalgamate them with the Trust or get amalgamated with any other trust or institution with similar aims and objectives and to provide then assistance, loan and donation.
- To ensure all round development of citizens particularly villager so that they may achieve their aims of self sufficiency and mutual cooperation and enable them to earn their livelihood based on mutual sharing and raise their standard of living so that they may not migrate to the cities.
- To ensure participation of citizens in the democratic processes and procedures of the Country and to make them aware of their duties, responsibilities, commitments towards their State and Country and those ideas for which founding fathers of our Republic fought for the freedom of the Country and emancipation of mankind and help such institutions, societies/trusts and individuals financially and otherwise.
- To receive by way of gift, donation or lease or otherwise acquire in any manner any movable property or immovable property either unconditionally or on any special terms and conditions which may be thought fit.
- To borrow and/or to receive money for any of the purposes of the Trust with or without security of a mortgage, Charge or hypothecation or pledge over all or any of the immovable or movable properties belonging to the Trust.
- To manage, develop, exchange, sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise dispose of any moveable or immovable properties belonging to the trust in such a manner and upon such terms and conditions as may be deemed expedient.